The Academy
@ Tralee Golf Club
At our purpose built Academy @ Tralee Golf Club, you have the opportunity to use the same technology used by the tour professionals to improve their game, and maintain a consistent level of performance. You will be able to avail of accurate and professional advice based on factual outputs from :
- Trackman 4
- Sam Putt Lab
- Sam Balance Plate
- V1 Video recording
Our driving range bays, and also our newly built Par 3 course are also available for on-course tuition.

Trackman 4
We use the latest ball flight and club technology to assess and diagnose any issues. Let us design an improvement programmer based on results . Club data can be used to select the best club for the pupil in a club fitting session. We also offer course management lessons on our indoor golf simulator, play St. Andrews , Royal troon and many more while a PGA professional watches your course management decisions
Sam Putt Lab & Balance Plate
Sam is the most accurate putter diagnosis and fitting tool in the golf industry. We measure aim, stroke, tempo and many more angles with direct comparison to PGA tour stats to let you know how you are doing.
We also measure set up weight distribution and COP during your golf swing to get the most out of the pupil. Weaknesses are highlighted and recorded to make learning faster and more efficient.
Putter Fitting is also available
V1 video
Students can be recorded and compared to tour professionals and the lesson sent direct to them, great way to review and not forget the key points
Driving Range & Par 3
We have a high end golf studio and five covered bays available for coaching and grass tees outside to accommodate 25 golfers on the best turf in the country . Golf balls are excellent quality and the range is 300 yards long with several strategic targets
The dedicated 6 hole par 3 course contains holes ranging from 80 to 195 yards. With three tees on every hole, the dynamics change with each tee option, and is great for course management lessons and on-course tuition.
Golf Studio Lesson
€80 per hour
Lesson includes Trackman, Sam Balance Lab, Sam Putt Lab and V1 Video Analysis
On-Course Playing Lesson
Lesson on Par3 course with Club PGA Professional
Other game improvement packages and clinics available on request
(price on application)